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Common Skin Disorders

The skin is one of the most vulnerable organs of the body. Though seldom life threatening, skin disorders can be uncomfortable and may cause chronic disabilities. In addition, because the skin is so visible, skin disorders can lead to psychological stress.

"Rash” is a general term for a wide variety of skin conditions. A rash refers to a change that affects the skin and usually appears as a red patch or small bumps or blisters on the skin. Rashes can be a symptom of other problems. Read more...

Acne (acne vulgaris, common acne) is a disease of the hair follicles commonly affecting the face, chest, and back.  While it is most common during puberty, acne lesions may arise at anytime during adulthood. Read more...

Rosacea is a very common skin condition. As of 2010, rosacea was estimated to affect at least 16 million people in the United States alone and approximately 45 million worldwide. Read more...

Psoriasis is a noncontagious skin condition that produces red bumps that merge together into larger areas of thickened, red, scaling skin. The dry flakes of silvery skin scales are thought to result from the excessively rapid growth of skin cells. Read more...

Contact dermatitis, or skin allergies, is a kind of skin inflammation that occurs when substances touching your skin cause irritation or an allergic reaction. The resulting red, itchy rash isn't contagious or life-threatening, but it can be very uncomfortable. Read more...

Eczema is a nonmedical term referring to certain types of inflamed or irritated skin. The most common type of “eczema” is atopic dermatitis. Atopic refers to an inherited tendency to develop other allergic conditions, such as asthma and hay fever. Read more...

Alopecia is hair loss which can be due to a variety of causes.  Hormonal abnormalities, genetics, systemic illness, drugs, psychological abnormalities, diet, trauma, infections, and structural hair defects may all cause hair loss. Read more...

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